Wolfson Robotics FTC-19916

We are the First Tech Challenge robotics team of Samuel Wolfson High School, the WOLFPACK. We have been actively competing in First Tech Challenge since the 2021-2022 season, and are currently one of the most successful teams in Northeast Florida, consistently ranking in the Top 5 in the region and placing high in state championships.

The Team - FTC 19916

Our robot is created each season using components and knowledge from previous years, and is built to completion every year thanks to the efforts of our team members and especially our mentors, evolving in the process for the prospects of the following year.

Team Members

  • Leaders: Ruth Wright, Dylan Picca
  • Mentors: Mr. Shalinda, Mr. Numal
  • Builders: Daniel Ballowe, Christopher Watson, Haydan Tran, Michael Pacheco, Mikey Phillips
  • Coders: Micah Jaffa, Elijah Sarte, Harrison Field
  • Drivers: Misdos LaRoche, Christopher Watson
  • CAD: Harrison Field, Haydan Tran
  • Contributors: Vincent Robertson, Alex Tek, Nikita Makarenko, Lalith Vadde, Aidan Washburn, Miranda Everson

The club is run by our club leaders Mr. Picca and Ms. Wright, thanks to them for all they've done to manage and foster the club.


2023-2024 FTC Season, Centerstage: 2024-2025 FTC Season, Into the Deep:

The Robot

The robot was developed overtime throughout the 2024-2025 FTC season, Into the Deep. It went through many different changes and iterations, but towards the end of the Northeast Florida meets, we finalized the following changes to the robot:
  • Claw: Located on the vertical slide, the claw was made for grabbing samples and specimens from the observation zone and placing them in the baskets and submersible bars. Thanks to its reach, we are able to reach both the high basket and high bar.
  • Lift and hanging mechanism: Our lift uses a belt drive system in order to reach the high basket and the high bar. In addition, we have a Home Depot garage hook on the bottom of the vertical slide shaft repurposed to support the robot on the high bar.
  • Roller intake: Located at the back of the robot, the roller intake uses a horizontal slide to extend in to the submersible, and a 2 rollers to squeeze the samples into place. The roller mechanism is 3D printed and an arm allows it to rotated up from the ground.
  • Autonomous: Programmed in Java, our autonomous consists of a combination of preset instructions and autocorrection features. The robot is capable of putting four samples in the high basket during autonomous.